Wednesday 20 October 2010

Preliminary Task- Script (Final)

Shot 1 – Establishing shot of the building
Shot 2 – In kitchen/living room

Scott comes home from work
Scott: “I’m home”
Lauren: “Dinner will be ready in a second”
Scott: “It’s alright, I’ve already eaten”
Lauren: “What do you mean you’ve already eaten”
Scott: “Well.. I’ve already eaten”
Lauren: “But you know I cook dinner for us on a Monday”
Scott: “And?”
Scott throws his jumper on the floor
Lauren: “Don’t put it on the floor”. Throws the jumper back at Scott “You can hang it up”
Scott: “I’ve had enough of you” Gets up and slaps Lauren
Lauren: “HOW DARE YOU!” She walks out.
Scott: “oh I’m sorry” follows her out “wait, please, please honey”

Shot 3- over shoulder shot. Coming out the door.

Lauren: “just leave me alone”
Scott: “it isn’t my fault; I had a long hard day at work, please”
Lauren: “just get of me”
Scott: “no wait”

Shot 4-match on action, coming out the door.

Scott: “wait, please” “give me a chance”
They both go down the stairs
Lauren: “leave me alone stop chasing me” “just leave me alone!”
Lauren walks of and Scott stops.

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